Brief Overview
We could give you all the typical information about when our school began, remodeling projects that we have completed, and the like, But, sometimes, a bit different approach works better and actually enables you to learn more about the things that matter most to you - your child, their education, their opportunity to know and love Jesus.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Trinity Lutheran School is to assist parents in nurturing the child spiritually and academically, while equipping each child to be a responsible, effective citizen for life.
Anybody Love Me?
It’s so easy for kids today to think or feel like no one, except their parents, loves them as Jesus loves each one of us. At Trinity School, due to our smaller size, we have numerous opportunities to make your child feel loved by God and loved by others.
Someone Care About Me?
We’re busy. Things to do. Places to go. Sometimes, kids feel like they fall through the cracks.But at Trinity, we make a special effort to demonstrate care, to show your son or daughter that they matter to us because they matter to God.
Did I Do It Right?
Compliments and praise - we thrive on receiving both, but it’s easy to forget to offer them to our kids for the little things that they see as big things. We look for opportunities to praise your child, to compliment them so they realize their value.
We’re in a small, rural community where everybody knows everybody and we see that as a good thing. People here care about others and demonstrate that care. We offer classes for 3K - Grade 8 as we prepare each student for high school and for their God-planned future. When it comes to school size, we think smaller is better.
Athens isn’t a metropolis, but a small community surrounded by many family farms and larger farms. For our school to succeed, we need commitment and that’s what you will notice in our congregation. We take pride in our school and we’re dedicated to going the extra mile so that we can continue to offer Christian education within our community.
When you think of cornfields, bean fields, or whatever plants you like, they’re doing one of two things. They’re either growing or you know the other sad reality. We’re committed to growth, to offering more unique opportunities. We don’t know the future of Athens, Wisconsin, but we know that, as the Lord blesses all those who support our school, we intend to be here for any child who wants to have the privilege of attending a parochial school.
Will You Teach Me?
Of course we will teach you! We not only want you to learn the basics, but to learn all sorts of information about Jesus and the Christian faith. We know how much those things matter and we are committed to offering our best efforts every day.
How Do I Share?
We’re glad you asked! As we teach you about the love and care Jesus has for you, we also teach you about sharing. When you know all that Jesus does for you, you want to tell anyone who will listen because sharing matters to you.
What About My Future?
Your future matters to us because you matter to us. We offer you our best so that you can prepare for and enjoy the best future possible. We can’t promise it will be trouble-free, but we can promise that you will never be alone.