An Invitation
Before you continue, we’d like to offer you a warm and heart-felt invitation to seriously consider sending your son or daughter to our school. We take great pride in our school and all that we have to offer. So, as you continue, please know in advance that you are already welcome. We’re here for you and your child because you matter to us!
Pre-Enrollment Information
The photos below provide links to additional information as you consider enrolling your child in Trinity School. Learn about the School Choice Program, set up a time to visit your child’s prospective teacher, or plan a school visit. We keep it simple. Click and a pop-up window will appear with the information you requested without losing your place on this page.
Meet the Teacher
Meet the person who would be teaching your child before you decide your future plans.
• PreK-Kindergarten • Grades 1 & 2 • Grades 3 & 4
• Grades 5 & 6 • Grades 7 & 8
Enrollment Form:
Whenever possible, we like to keep things simple for our parents and students. We now offer a simple online Enrollment Form for both new students and returning students. Provide the requested information (you can enroll up to 4 children on one form) and we will take it from there!
2025-26 Re-enrollment for returning students/families and Trinity Church members will begin on January 15th. New students/families enrollment will begin February 1st. Forms submitted before these dates will not be accepted.
Enrollment Fee:
As it is also noted in the Tuition Rates section below, there is a one-time, non-refundable Registration Fee of $40. Please provide the Registration Fee at your earliest convenience after your have enrolled your child.
Payment Schedule:
Three payments options are available for paying tuition. Choose which is best for you: 1) Early Discount - Full payment due by June 1st; 2) Full Tuition Payment for the year; 3) Monthly Billing. More information is available in the Additional Tuition Information section below.
School Supplies:
On the Parents page, within “the Parent Hub.” you will find a list of School Supplies by grade. Choose the appropriate grade, review the list, and gather supplies as it suits your schedule.
School Lunch:
Trinity School does provide a hot lunch program. If your child chooses not to eat the hot lunch and they bring a cold lunch from home, they can purchase milk to go with their lunch. Lunch tickets and Milk Tickets need to be purchased through the office. Lunch tickets are purchased in one week quantities. A Milk Ticket provides a student with 10 cartons of milk.
Morning Chapel:
Every Wednesday morning at 8:15 am, we offer our Morning Chapel time for our students. Anyone is invited, so feel free to attend when you are able. Students may bring a chapel offering that day. Chapel offerings go to designated causes throughout the year.
Those students within the Athens School District are delivered to and from school via the public school bus. Those outside our school district often create carpooling as their means of transportation.
Our School Tuition Rates
Trinity Congregation Member Families
The following tuition rates are for students in 3K - Grade 8 whose families are also members of Trinity Congregation. Since our church and its members subsidize the majority of our school program (actual costs are over $6,000), families who are members at Trinity are offered a discounted tuition rate.
Student Tuition
1 student • $1,725
2 students • $2,990
3 students • $3,960
4 students • $4,780
4K student • $1,305
3K student • $865
Monthly Payments
1 student • $192
2 students • $332
3 students • $440
4 students • $531
4K student • $145
3K student • $96
Early Discount
1 student • $1,638
2 students • $2,840
3 students • $3,762
4 students • $4,541
4K student • $1,239
3K student • $821
Our School Tuition Rates
CommunitY (Non-Member) Families
The following tuition rates are for students in 3K - Grade 8 whose families are not members of Trinity Congregation. Since our church and its members subsidize the majority of our school program (actual costs are over $6,000), families who are members at Trinity as well as those who are not members are offered a discounted tuition rate.
Student Tuition
1 student • $2,730
2 students • $5,055
3 students • $7,575
4 students • $9,685
4K student • $1,410
3K student • $865
Monthly Payments
1 student • $303
2 students • $562
3 students • $842
4 students • $1076
4K student • $157
3K student • $96
Early Discount
1 student • $2,593
2 students • $4,802
3 students • $7,196
4 students • $9,200
4K student • $1,340
3K student • $821
Additional Tuition Information
Registration Fee:
A $40 nonrefundable registration fee per family is required at the time of registration. This fee is in addition to the current tuition rates.
Early Discount:
Tuition paid in full by July 21st will qualify for the early discount.
Technology Fee:
Now included in tuition.
Monthly Tuition Billing:
Tuition not paid in full by September 5th will be billed monthly from September through May. Statements will be mailed or emailed on the 5th of each month and due by the last day of each month. A $10 late fee will be added each month for payments not received on time. All financial obligations must be paid before receiving a diploma.
Student Withdrawal:
If a family should decide to withdraw a student during the school year, written notice must be provided in advance. Tuition paid minus $100, due to administrative costs and education materials that have been purchased for the school year, will be refunded to the family. The remaining balance of tuition will be prorated monthly and refundable if paid in advance.
Past Due Tuition:
Trinity School has established a policy for collecting past due tuition owed to the school. Please review this policy in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Tuition Assistance Fund:
A Tuition Assistance Fund has been established to help parents who face a financial need. Please contact the school principal, Dean Frick, at (715) 257-7559 or by email.
Trinity Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Members of Trinity and other Missouri Synod congregations will have first preference in admissions of students to the school.