Activities at Trinity
A lot of things happen at Trinity church, school, and childcare every week. So, take a look at the information below and see which activities are most intriguing to you. If you’d like more information, contact the church office at 715-257-7526. Enjoy connecting through activities!
Youth Activities
Our Youth Group meets regularly. Beyond their meetings, they are also involved in service projects, mission trips, and attending the National Youth Gathering.
Sunday School
Sundays @ 10:15 am
Labor Day - Memorial Day
Preschool - Grade 6
Crusaders for Christ Youth Group
2nd Sunday @ 6:30 pm
September - May
Grades 5 - 8
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
9:00 - 11:00 am
Monday - Thursday
One week in July
High School Youth Group
Meet as Needed
Mission trips
Local mission projects each year
National Youth Gathering
Adult Activities
Involvement is a great thing when it comes to connecting to one another and to our God. Because we like connections, we invite you to choose one or more activities where you can join us on the journey.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
1st Wednesday @ 2:00 pm
Bible Study time
Quilting Groups
Tuesdays 5:00pm
Wednesdays 9:00 - 12:00
During school year
Adult Bible Class
Sundays @ 10:20 AM
Labor Day - Memorial Day
Meet in the Tech Room
Trinity Parent-Teacher League
Teachers and parents who work to support the needs of our school
Meet monthly during school year
Prayer Chain
A group of loving, caring members who lift up the needs of others in prayer
Meet as Needed
Contact: 715-257-7526
Mission Outreach
National/International: Trinity supports both national and international mission projects through its regular offerings. Special offerings can be provided by marking “Missions” on your offering envelopes.
Cindy Wrucke - LCMS Missionary in Czech Republic: We also provide direct support to Cindy Wrucke as she works overseas. Please see the Mission Information Bulletin Board in the fellowship area for more information.
Individual: We also support individual mission efforts as they occur and as we have opportunity. You will hear more about these opportunities at our worship services.