An Invitation
Life is busy. Parents have responsibilities that didn’t exist 20 years ago. Life has changed. We understand. We’re here to help, to act as a substitute parent for your child when you are unable to provide the parenting they need. We encourage and invite you to reach out to our Childcare, to allow our Childcare to provide care for your child while you are at work. At Trinity Childcare, we care; we love to offer our best because your children matter to us.
General Information
We currently serve children from 2 years old to 12 years old. We offer full time care (5 days per week) as well as part time (3 days per week minimum). If your child is enrolled in Trinity School’s 3K program, the 3 day minimum does not apply for before and after 3K program care.
Please contact our Director, Randalyn, to see if we have openings for your child(ren). Phone-715-257-7559 or Email- childcare@trinityathens.net
Enrollment Information
PRE-Enrollment Form:
Whenever possible, we like to keep things simple for our parents. Once you have confirmed with the director that we have an opening for your child, you may use the Pre-Enrollment Form to pre-enroll your child at Trinity Childcare. Provide the requested information on the form and we will get you the necessary forms to complete the enrollment process.
Enrollment Fee:
As it is also noted in the Childcare Rates section below, there is a one-time, non-refundable Registration Fee of $30. Please provide the Registration Fee at your earliest convenience after your have enrolled your child in our Childcare Program.
Payment Schedule:
Child Care bills are issued weekly on Mondays. Please make payment at your child’s next scheduled day.
School Lunch:
Trinity School does provide a hot lunch program included as part of your Childcare payment. If your child chooses not to eat the hot lunch and they bring a cold lunch from home, they can purchase milk to go with their lunch. They can either bring the money in that day or use Milk Tickets to pay for their milk. The Lunch Menu is published online for a month at a time.
Morning Chapel:
Every Wednesday morning at 9:00 am, Pastor Mark leads our Morning Chapel time for our Childcare children.
Drop Off/PickUp:
You may drop off your child any time after 6:00 am on Monday - Friday. Please pick up your child before our 6:00 pm closing time. If you are running late due to weather or other issues, please call the Childcare at 715-257-7559. As a reminder, only designated persons can pick up children from our Childcare.
Emergency Contact
No one expects an emergency. However, should such a situation occur, we want to know how to reach you or someone else that you designate as an emergency contact. That information will be kept on file and you can update it whenever necessary.
Our Childcare Rates
The following rates are for the various entities within our Childcare Program. A one-time Registration Fee of $30/child is required with enrollment. Note: All rates include lunch where applicable. Snacks are also provided for both breakfast and afternoon if your child is present at our Childcare. The minimum 3 days/week charge indicates that if your child attends less than 3 days, you will still be charged the rate for 3 days.
Toddlers (2 yr)
Full Time • $180/wk
Part Time • $38/day
(min. 3 days/wk charge)
Preschoolers (3yrs - 5 yrs)
Full Time • $170/wk
Part Time • $36/day
(min. 3 days/wk charge)
Half-Day - 3K only • $18
Additional Hours
Extended Care • $6/hr
(1 hour min./day)
No School Days • $31/day
Summer Childcare
Full Time • $156/wk
Daily • $34/day
(min. 3 days/wk charge)