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Weekly Newsletter March 24, 2025

Birthday Blessings this week go out to Mrs. Van Rixel! 

Chapel Offerings are currently going to an organization called Unknown Nations to purchase solar powered audio bibles translated into languages for groups of people that have NEVER heard anything about Jesus.  Every $40 raised will cover the cost of one audio bible.  Help us ‘make disciples of all nations’!  You can find more information at

POPCORN FRIDAY!!!  Yay!  This week!  Friday!  $1.00!

Seroogy’s Chocolate Sale is wrapping up!  If you have not already done so, please turn the money ($96/box) into Judy in the office.  If you have candy bars that you are unable to sell, please return them with the money for the bars sold.   Coffee orders were also due in today.  Thank you.    

Join us Wednesday evening for Act 3 of The People vs. Judas Iscariot.  Mid-Week Lenten Worship begins at 7:00pm. Special thanks to our actors!

PTL is hosting two Lent Meals coming up – March 26th and April 9th.  Lent meals are a great tradition here at Trintiy, for congregation and community members alike.  If you are willing to help out by serving or making desserts, that would be greatly appreciated.  Please sign up through the link and also indicate if you can make (or buy) a dessert.  If you can bring multiple desserts, please use multiple lines.  Desserts can be brought to school on Wednesday.  Thanks in advance for any help you are willing to provide!

Scrip Tuition Credit Bonus – During the entire month of March, instead of the regular 2% tuition credit, the entire rebate earned on scrip orders can be credited to your tuition account (or the tuition assistance fund).  For example, you purchase $100 of Old Navy scrip, Old Navy offers a 14% rebate, so $14.00 will be credited towards your tuition account.  Friends and family are more than welcome to make purchases on student behaves.  Scrip order forms must accompany every order and the family to receive the tuition credit must be listed.

Parents, please upload field trip and sports/club photos to help make our yearbook great!

The School Choice Program open application period is open through April 17th.  Questions?  Please reach out to Sara Paul at

Acolytes for this coming week are – Wednesday, 7:00pm – Jordyn Gross & Austin Natzke; Saturday, 7:00pm – Brooklyn Hein & Nick Paul; Sunday, 9:00am – Brooklyn Westfall & Addy Schienebeck. 


            Thursday, March 27       Parent / Teacher Conferences (optional)

            Monday, March 31         Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting (can you help?)

            Saturday, April 5            Athens High School Prom – Saturday Worship time change to 4:00pm

            Easter Break                 Wednesday, April 16 through Monday, April 21

 “Lead on Good Shepherd.  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,

and they follow Me.”   John 10:27


Parent Resources List
Student Information System

Our Student Information System is where you can view your student’s school progress, attendance, current grades, and more. We encourage you to make use of this resource frequently as a means of helping your child with their school progress.

Student Information System Login

Useful School Forms

For your convenience, we have gathered all our school forms into this single location. So, when you’re looking for a form, head to the Parent Hub and check out our list of forms. By the way, the New Student Enrollment Application and the Returning Student Application are also available within the Enrollment portion of our website.

Health Plan

The Board of Christian Education has created a 3 stage approach to dealing with Covid-19 or any other epidemic. The stages based on the number of cases in our community, school district, and building. The complete plan can be viewed by clicking below.



School Supplies

Each year, we provide a list of recommended school supplies based on grade. Choose the appropriate grade level to view a list of supplies for your child’s classroom. Thanks in advance for your assistance!



