Soup Supper
Cheeseburger and Chicken Noodle/Dumpling soup along with salad will be served by Trinity School PTL.
Cheeseburger and Chicken Noodle/Dumpling soup along with salad will be served by Trinity School PTL.
Chili and Cheesy Broccoli soup along with rolls and dessert will be served by Trinity’s Board of Stewardship.
Tacos and Salad will be served by Trinity School PTL
Join us after our Sunrise Easter Service for breakfast served by the Crusaders for Christ Youth Group.
Pasta with choice of toppings and salad will be served by the National Youth Gathering crew.
Potato and Taco soup will be served by the National Youth Gathering crew. Support them with you free will donation to offset the costs of the food.
Cafe not open on Sunday, join us for a pancake brunch after church sponsored by Trinity School PTL.
Our first Lenten meal will be Ash Wednesday. We will be serving baked potatoes and salad with all the toppings. Funds raised will be used to equip our second preschool room in the school.
Join us for our vision casting event. A light meal featuring “fair stand” chili and hot dogs will be served at 5:30. At 6:00pm we will lay out our vision for Trinity through table and group discussion.
SUBA is our theme for this year, and we’ll be “Diving into Friendship with God".” This is a great chance for your children to gather with friends while building a closer relationship with God.
VBS runs Mon-Thurs. 9:00-11:30am. Join us at 11:30am on Thursday for a hot dog lunch.
The children of Trinity School will lead this worship service with the musical “Hark the Angel Sang Off-Key.”
10:30 Worship on the Street; 11:30 Potluck meal with Street Dance to follow
Join us for a Polka Service at Doug and Jean Krueger’s Pond. Bring your chairs. Food and fellowship to follow.
River of Life
July 18-21 ; 9:00am-11:30am daily
3yrs old through 5th Grade
Complete a registration form or contact the church at 715-257-7526 to register
Join us for our annual Craft Sale. Pick up those special gifts for Christmas.
All students and educators/staff are invited to come forward during the church service to receive a blessing for the new school year.
All students and educators/staff are invited to come forward during the church service to receive a blessing for the new school year.
The last year had temporarily closed the doors of many churches, but now we are open! It’s time to Come Home!
10:00am- Outdoor Worship on Caroline St.
11:00am- Outdoor Picnic on Caroline St.
1:00pm - Concert by the Athens Old Timers Band
We’ll provide: hamburgers, hot dogs, bottle water, plates, napkins, silverware
Bring: lawn chairs and a dessert to pass
Open to the Community! Worship! Food! Fellowship! Fun!
What a great opportunity to enrich your faith